NOTE: This article was published in the Journal of Number Theory, 2015, Issue 154, pp. 118-143.
On the 2-Class Field Tower Conjecture for Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields
with 2-Class group of Rank 4
by Elliot Benjamin, Ph.D. February, 2015
We demonstrate the existence of infinitely many new imaginary quadratic number fields k with 2-class group Ck,2of rank 4 such that k has infinite 2-class field tower. In particular, we demonstrate the existence of new fields k as above when the 4-rank of the class group Ck is equal to 1 or 2, and infinitely many new fields k in the case that the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 1, exactly three negative prime discriminants divide the discriminant dk of k, and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8. This lends support to the conjecture that all imaginary quadratic number fields k with Ck,2of rank 4 have infinite 2-class field tower.
Given an algebraic number field k, we denote by k1 the Hilbert 2-class field of k, i.e. the maximal abelian unramified extension of k with degree a power of 2. For nonnegative integers n we define the Hilbert 2-class field kn inductively as k0 = k and kn+1 = (kn)1. Denoting by С the containment symbol, we define k0 Сk1 Сk2 С … kn С … to be the 2-class field tower of k.
We say that the tower is finite if kn = kn+1 for some n, with length n if n is minimal, and infinite otherwise.
It is well known that if k is an imaginary quadratic number field, Ck,2 is the 2-Sylow subgroup
of the class group Ck (in the wide sense) of k, and rank Ck,2 is the dimension over F2 of Ck/Ck2 where F2 is the finite field with two elements, then if rank Ck,2 is greater than or equal to 5,
then k has infinite 2-class field tower [5]. It is also well known that for k imaginary quadratic with rank Ck,2 = 2 or 3, then the 2-class field tower of k may be finite or infinite, and that if rank Ck,2 = 1 then the 2-class field tower of k is finite and has length 1(cf. [9], [11], [12], [17]). It was conjectured in the late 1970s that if k is imaginary quadratic with rank Ck,2 = 4, then k has infinite 2-class field tower (cf. [12], [13]). In 1996 and 2000 Hajir, extending previous work that Koch (1969) had done in a particular case, used simpler techniques than Koch to prove a partial result in this direction: namely that if k is an imaginary quadratic number field such that Ck has 4-rank of 3 or 4 then k has infinite 2-class field tower (cf. [6], [7] and Lemma 1 below). From our own work in the early 2000s we obtained further partial results in the direction of the 2-class field tower conjecture, focusing upon the number of negative prime discriminants dividing the discriminant dk of k, the Kronecker symbols of the primes dividing dk, the congruence class mod 8 of dk, and the 4-rank of Ck (cf. [1], [2]). Subsequent to our own work, in the 2000s Sueyoshi used Rédei matrices to improve upon our results in the cases when exactly one negative prime discriminant divides dk and when exactly three and five negative prime discriminants divide dk, in particular proving that k has infinite 2-class field tower when k is such that the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 1, five negative prime discriminants divide dk, and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8 (cf. [15], [16], [18], [19], [20]). And in 2010 Mouhib improved upon Sueyoshi’s results in the one negative prime discriminant case, proving that k always has infinite 2-class field tower if exactly one negative prime discriminant divides dk (cf. Lemma 3 and [14]).
From the above we see that for the cases when exactly three or five negative prime discriminants divide dk,we, as well as Sueyoshi, have obtained partial results in the direction of the 2-class field tower conjecture (cf. [1], [2], [18], [19], [20] and Lemmas 4 through 7 below).
We summarize the above historical results for when we know the 2-class field conjecture is
satisfied as follows, where k is an imaginary quadratic number field with rank Ck,2 = 4, “Negative Prime Discriminants” denotes the exact number of negative prime discriminants dividing dk, “Congruency” denotes whether or not dk is congruent to 4 mod 8, and “Literature” refers to the researcher who initially completely proved the final result.
Table 1: Cases when 2-Class Field Conjecture is Satisfied
4-rank of Ck Negative Prime Discrminants Congruency Literature
3 or 4 1, 3, or 5 no restrictions Hajir, 1996, 2000
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 1 no restrictions Mouhib, 2010
2 5 no restrictions Benjamin, 2002
2 3 not 4 mod 8 Benjamin, 2002
1 5 not 4 mod 8 Sueyoshi, 2009
For our present purpose we define “new” imaginary quadratic number fields k with rank Ck,2 = 4 and infinite 2-class field tower, as fields that do not satisfy the conditions of any of the cases of Lemmas 4 through 7 below, and to the best of our knowledge have not been reported in the literature, either as a part of families or as separate examples. By applying a result by Schmithals (1980), we are able to demonstrate the existence of new imaginary quadratic number fields k with infinite 2-class field tower when rank Ck,2 = 4 and Ck has 4-rank 1 or 4-rank 2.
In particular, we show that there exist infinitely many new imaginary quadratic number fields k with infinite 2-class field tower when k is such that the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 1, exactly
three negative prime discriminants divide dk, and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8. In the 4-rank 2 case, we obtain new fields k such that exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk,
dk is congruent to 4 mod 8, and the Kronecker symbols of the primes dividing dk satisfy the conditions we have previously given for which we do not know in general if the 2-class field tower is finite or infinite (cf. [2] and Case C of Lemma 5 below).
We begin by stating the Golod & Shafarevich Inequality (as refined by Gaschutz and Vinberg), and two related inequalities that have been derived from a more generic inequality by
Martinet (as described in [19]), all of which have been quite useful in obtaining the results that
we give in Lemmas 3 through 7 (cf. [5], [10], [13], [19], [20]).
Lemma 1: Golod & Shafarevich Inequality (refined by Gaschutz and Vinberg): Let k be a number field, Ck be the class group of k, and Ek be the group of units of k. Then the 2-class field tower of k is infinite if rank Ck,2 is greater than or equal to 2 + 2(√(rank2(Ek) + 1)), where rank2(Ek) is the dimension of the elementary 2-group Ek/Ek2considered as a vector space over F2 (and can be described as the number of infinite primes of k).
Lemma 2: i) Let F be a totally real number field of degree n, and E be a totally imaginary quadratic extension of F. Let t be the number of prime ideals of F which ramify in E. If t ≥ 3 + 2√(n + 1), then the 2-class field tower of E is infinite.
ii) Let F be a totally imaginary number field of degree n, and E be a quadratic extension of F. Let t be the number of prime ideals of F which ramify in E. If t ≥ (n/2) + 3 + 2(√(n + 1)), then the 2-class field tower of E is infinite.
We next combine our aforementioned results by Hajir and Mouhib (cf. [5], [6], [14]) into the following lemma.
Lemma 3: Let k be an imaginary quadratic number field such that Ck has 4-rank ≥ 3, or
rank Ck,2 = 4 and exactly one negative prime discriminant divides dk. Then k has infinite
2-class field tower.
For the remaining cases when exactly three or five negative prime discriminants divide dk
for k an imaginary quadratic number field with rank Ck,2 = 4, we state our previous results
(cf. Lemmas 4, 5, and 6), as well as the relevant results of Sueyoshi (cf. Lemma 7), in the form
of the four lemmas given below (cf. [1], [2], [19], [20]). In Lemma 7 we utilize only parts ii)
and iv) in Sueyoshi’s Proposition in [19] and [20], as parts i) and iii) are contained in our own previous results (see cases A and B of Lemma 4 below). However, we first describe how we obtain the 4-ranks of our quadratic number fields.
To obtain the 4-ranks of the class groups of our various fields, we will utilize both
dk-splittings of the second kind and Rédei matrices (cf. [15], [16], ]18], [19], [20]). Given an algebraic number field k, we define a dk-splitting of the second kind to be a splitting of dk into two relatively prime fundamental discriminants (d1, d2) such that the Kronecker symbols
(d1/p) = 1 and (d2/q) = 1 for all primes p dividing d2 and for all primes q dividing d1, and where we consider the splitting (1, d1d2) to be the trivial dk-splitting of the second kind. It is
well known that for any quadratic (number field k, if s is the number of dk-splittings of the second kind and r is the 4-rank of the narrow-class group of k, then 2r = s (cf. [16]).
We also use Rédei matrices, which are described as follows (cf. [16], [17], [19], [20], [21]), where k is a quadratic number field. Let dk = p1*p2*…pt* be the unique factorization of dk into a product of prime discriminants, where p* = (-1)(p-1)/2)p if p is an odd prime, and p* = -4, 8, or -8 if p = 2. The Rédei matrix Rk = (aij) with entries in the finite field F2, is describedas a matrix consisting of Kronecker symbol representations aij such that -1 to the exponent aij equals {(pi*/pj) if i ≠ j, and ((dk/pi*)/pi) if i = j}. For properties of Rédei matrices see the above references, and in particular we mention that the sum of all row vectors of Rk is equal to the zero vector in F2, and the following 4-rank property of Rédei matrices that we will make much use of to establish our results in this paper.
Rédei matrix 4-rank property: The 4-rank of the narrow class group of a quadratic number field k is equal to t – 1 – rank Rk, where t is the number of prime discriminants dividing dk, and if k is imaginary this translates into the 4-rank of Ck is equal to t – 1 – rank Rk.
We now state our four lemmas mentioned above.
Lemma 4: Let k be an imaginary quadratic number field such that rank Ck,2 = 4. Then k has infinite 2-class field tower in the following cases:
A) there exists a negative prime discriminant dj dividing dk, such that (-pj/pi) = 1 where pj is the prime dividing dj, all pi are distinct, and pi is distinct from pj for all primes pi dividing dk,
1 ≤ i ≤ 5;
B) for some prime pj congruent to 1 mod 4, or pj = 2, in which case we further assume that 8 is a fundamental discriminant dividing dk, we have (pj/pk) = (pk/pl) = (pj/pm) = 1, pj, pk, pl, pm distinct
primes dividing dk;
C) at least two of the prime discriminants dividing dk are positive, and (p1/p3) = (p2/p3) = 1 where p1 and p2 are distinct primes dividing positive prime discriminants dividing dk, and p3 is a prime dividing a positive or negative prime discriminant dividing dk, where p3 is not equal to p1 or p2.
Remark 1: We note that in Lemma 1 of [2] we mistakenly stated the requirement in Case B above as (pj/pk) = (pk/pl) = (pj/pm) (see Lemma 1 in [1] for the correct statement).
Lemma 5: Let k be an imaginary quadratic number field with rank Ck,2 = 4 and 4-rank of Ck
equal to 2. Then k has infinite 2-class field tower in each of the following cases:
A) five negative prime discriminants divide dk;
B) dk not congruent to 4 mod 8;
C) dk congruent to 4 mod 8 and exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk,
and the Kronecker symbols of the primes dividing dk do not have the format (p1/q1) = (p1/q2) = (p1/q3) = (p2/q1) = (p2/q2) = (p2/q3) = -1, where p1 and p2 are distinct primes dividing positive prime discriminants dividing dk, and q1, q2, and q3 are distinct primes dividing negative prime discriminants dividing dk.
For our next lemma, we note that If k is an imaginary quadratic number field with 4-rank 1, then from our above description of dk-splittings of the second kind we see that there is a unique non-trivial dk-splitting of the second kind for k. The following lemma is a corrected version of Lemma 6 in [2] from our earlier work (see Remark 2 below), in which we use the following notation: p1* and p2* are distinct positive prime discriminants dividing dk, q1* is a negative prime discriminant dividing dk, and ri*, 2 ≤ i ≤ 5, represent distinct positive prime discriminants or negative prime discriminants dividing dk such that ri* is distinct from p1*, p2*, and q1*.
Lemma 6: Let k be an imaginary quadratic number field with rank Ck,2 = 4 such that Ck has 4-rank 1. If the nontrivial dk-splitting of the second kind is either (without loss of generality) (q1*, r2*r3*r4*r5*) or (p1*, r2*r3*r4*r5*), or if dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8 and the nontrivial dk-splitting of the second kind is (p1*p2*, r1*r2*r3*), then k has infinite 2-class field tower.
Remark 2: We note that in the statement of Lemma 6 in [2] we mistakenly included the case
dk congruent to 4 mod 8 with the nontrivial dk-splitting of the second kind (p1*p2*, r1*r2*r3*).
For parts i and ii of the following lemma, cf. [19], [20]: Proposition: parts ii and iv.
Lemma 7: Let k be an imaginary quadratic number field and let F be subfield of the genus field of k.
i) Suppose that F/Q is a totally real biquadratic extension, where Q is the field of rational numbers. If three rational primes split completely in F and another rational prime is unramified in F and these four rational primes ramify in k, then the 2-class field tower of k is infinite.
ii) Suppose that F/Q is a totally imaginary biquadratic extension. If two rational primes split completely in F and another rational prime is unramified in F and these three ramified primes
ramify in k, then the 2-class field tower of k is infinite.
iii) Let k be an imaginary quadratic number field such that rank Ck,2 = 4, Ck has 4-rank 1,
five negative prime discriminants divide dk, and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8. Then k has infinite 2-class field tower, where Q is the field of rational numbers.
Remark 3: Recall the well-known result from genus theory (cf. [3], [8], [16]) that if k is a quadratic number field with discriminant dk and t is the number of primes that ramify in k (which is the number of primes that divide dk), then rank Ck,2 = t – 2 if dk > 0 and is not a sum of two squares, and rank Ck,2 = t – 1 otherwise.
We also state a result from Mouhib (2010), that he utilized to demonstrate that there are
imaginary quadratic number fields k with rank Ck,2 = 2 and 4-rank of Ck equal to 2 such that
k has infinite 2-class field tower (see Remark 11 in the final section). We discuss this result in regard to an open question about the 2-class field tower conjecture (see Question 4 in the Open Questions section).
Lemma 8: Let d be a square-free positive integer such that d is not congruent to 1 mod 4,
let M = Q(√d), and assume that 8 divides CM. Then for every prime number q congruent to
3 mod 4 such that the equation x2 – dy2 = q has a solution in Z x Z (where Z is the ring of
integers), the imaginary quadratic number field Q(√-qd) has infinite 2-class field tower.
Remark 4: We note that given the assumptions of Lemma 8, it must be the case that
x and y are both odd, and d is congruent to 2 mod 4.
An Application of a Result by Schmithals
to Obtain New Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields k with Rank Ck,2 = 4
that Satisfy the 2-Class Field Tower Conjecture
To find new fields k that satisfy the 2-class field tower conjecture we now utilize the following application of a result by Schmithals (cf. the inequalities (1) and (3) in [17]) where k is an imaginary quadratic number field, F is a real quadratic number field, K is the compositum of
k1 and F, h denotes the 2-class number (in the wide sense) of F, and m is the number of primes q dividing dk such that (dF/q) = -1.
Lemma 9: If m ≥ (1/h)(3 + 2√(2h + 1) then k has infinite 2-class field tower.
Remark 5: Lemma 9 follows immediately from Schmithals’ more generic inequalities in [17] (cf. inequalities (1) and (3)). As noted by Schmithals, a more generic form of Lemma 9
(cf. inequality (3) in [17]) is satisfied with m = 1 and h ≥ 16.
Remark 6: Schmithals utilized what we have referred to as Lemma 9 to prove that there are infinitely many imaginary quadratic number fields k with exactly three primes dividing dk
that have infinite 2-class field tower (cf. Satz 1 and Beispiel 4, which is k = Q(√-5.11.461),
in [17]). Utilizing our above Remark 3 and 4-rank of Ck criteria, we see that in effect Schmithals proved in 1980 that there are infinitely many imaginary quadratic number fields k with
rank Ck,2 = 2 and 4-rank of Ck equal to 2 that have infinite 2-class field tower. Mouhib in 2010 proved this same result (cf. Prop. 3.3 in [14]), referring to Schmithals’ example
k = Q(√5.11.461), but he did not mention Schmithals’ essential proof of the result. For historical accuracy we would like to emphasize here that the proof of this result should be attributed to Schmithals in 1980.
Utilizing Lemma 9 we immediately obtain the following lemma, which is what we utilize to obtain our new imaginary quadratic number fields k with rank Ck,2 = 4 and infinite 2-class field tower.
Lemma 10: Let pi, qi, i = 1, 2, 3, 4, be distinct prime numbers such that pi is congruent to 1 mod 4 and qi is congruent to 3 mod 4, and let q5 be a prime number such that q5 is congruent to
3 mod 4, or q5 = 2 if q5* = -4 or q5* = -8, and q5 is not equal to qi for i = 1, 2, 3 or 4. Without loss of generality let M = Q(√p1p2q1) (resp. Q√q1q2q3), Q√q1q2q3q4), Q(√p1p2q1q2), Q√2q1q2q3), Q(√2p1q1q2), Q(√2p1p2q1), Q(√2p1p2p3), Q(√p1p2p3p4)). Assume that 16 divides h(M), and (4p1p2q1/q5) = -1 (resp. (4q1q2q3/q5) = -1, (q1q2q3q4/q5) = -1, (p1p2q1q2/q5) = -1, (2q1q2q3/q5) = -1, (2p1q1q2/q5)= -1, (2p1p2q1/q5) = -1, (2p1p2p3/q5) = -1, (p1p2p3p4/q5) = -1). Let L be an imaginary quadratic number field with exactly five primes dividing dL, and moreover let L = Q(√-p1p2q1q5) (resp. Q√-q1q2q3q5), Q√-q1q2q3q4q5), Q√-q1q2q3q4), Q(√-p1p2q1q2q5), Q(√-p1p2q1q2), Q√-2q1q2q3q5), Q(√-2p1q1q2q5), Q(√-2p1p2q1q5), Q(√-2p1p2p3q5), Q(√-2p1p2p3p4), Q(√-p1p2p3p4q5), Q(√-p1p2p3p4)). Then L has infinite 2-class field tower.
In the next section we will demonstrate by the use of Lemma 10 the existence of some new imaginary quadratic number fields k such that rank Ck,2 = 4 and Ck has 4-rank 2, which satisfy the 2-class field tower conjecture as described above. For the new fields that we will obtain, the Kronecker symbols listed in Case C of Lemma 5 all have value -1, and these fields satisfy the discriminant conditions of Lemma 5; in particular dk is congruent to 4 mod 8, exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk, and the Kronecker symbols of the primes dividing dk have the format (p1/q1) = (p1/q2) = (p1/q3) = (p2/q1) = (p2/q2) = (p2/q3) = -1, where p1, p2, q1, q2, and q3 are defined as in Case C of Lemma 5. To obtain these new fields, we make use of Rédei matrices as we have described above (cf. [18], [19], [20]), and we give a particular formulation in the context of the following lemma.
Lemma 11: Let k be an imaginary quadratic number field such that rank Ck,2 = 4 and Ck has
4-rank 2, exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk, dk is congruent to 4 mod 8, and the Kronecker symbols of the primes dividing dk satisfy the equalities listed in Case C of
Lemma 5. Without loss of generality let q1 = 2, and M1, M2, and M3 denote the corresponding real quadratic fields M1 = Q(√p1p2q2q3), M2 = Q(√p1p2q2), and M3 = Q(√p1p2q3). Then
h(M2) = h(M3) = 4, and h(M1) ≥ 8; h(M1) ≥ 16 if and only if the narrow class group of M1 has
8-rank 1. If (p1/p2) = 1 and the narrow class group of M has 8-rank 1, then k is a new field with infinite 2-class field tower.
Proof: We see from Sueyoshi (cf. [19], [20]) that the Rédei matrices of fields k that satisfy the assumptions of the lemma can be described as follows, where the entries aij are in the field F2, 1 ≤ i ≤ 5, 1 ≤ j ≤ 5; if i ≠ j then aij = 1 if and only if (ri/rj) = -1, and if i = j then aij = 1 if and only if [dk/ri*]/ri) = -1, where ri,1 ≤ i ≤ 5, are the primes dividing dk, r1* = -4, r1 = q1 = 2, r2* < 0,
r3*< 0, r4* > 0, r5* > 0, and [dk/ri*] denotes dk divided by the prime discriminant ri*; the symbol * is used to denote that aij can have the value 0 or 1, with the stipulations described below; we denote r2 = q2, r3 = q3, r4 = p1, and r5 = p2.
Then Rk = [* 1 1 0 0
* 1 1 1 1
* 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 * *
1 1 1 * *]
As described by Sueyoshi (cf. [19]), it is understood that this Rédei matrix formulation of Rk can have a change of order of the ri’s, 2 ≤ i ≤ 5, the sum of all row vectors of Rk is equal to the zero vector in F2, and if a44 = 0 then a45 = a54 = a55 = 0 and a11 = 1, and if a44 = 1 then a45 = a54 = a55 = 1 and a21 = 1; consequently there are four generic types of these Rédei matrices. From an examination of the matrices of M1, M2, and M3, we see that the ranks of these matrices are respectively 2, 3, and 3, and from Remark 3 and the 4-rank formula for the narrow class group using Rédei matrices (see Preliminaries), along with the well-known fact that if a prime congruent to 3 mod 4 divides dk then the rank of the narrow group is twice the rank of the wide class group (see for example [16]), we obtain that the 2-class groups of M2 and M3 are elementary (i.e. have 4-rank 0), and the 2-class group of M1 has 4-rank 1, which implies that h(M2) = h(M3) = 4 and h(M1) ≥ 8. It is immediate from what we have described above that the condition h(M1) ≥ 16 is equivalent to the narrow class group of M1 having 8-rank 1, which is equivalent to the (wide) class group of M1 also having 8-rank 1, and there is a known criteria using the Hilbert symbol to determine the 8-rank of a quadratic number field (cf. [21]). Finally, if (p1/p2) = 1 (meaning that (r4/r5) = 1) we see from the description of Rk given above that a11 = 1 and consequently we must have a21 ≠ a31. Therefore we obtain the Kronecker symbol (p1p2q2q3/2) = -1, which along with the assumption that the narrow class group of M1 has 8-rank 1 (which as we have seen, is equivalent to h(M1) ≥ 16) gives us the required conditions of Lemma 10 to obtain that k has infinite 2-class field tower. Since we are not able to utilize either Lemma 4 or Lemma 7 (or any other formulations in the literature to the best of our knowledge; see Case 60 in [20]) to show that k has infinite 2-class field tower, k is a “new” field and our lemma is established.
NOTE: For the remainder of this paper, unless stated otherwise k will always denote an imaginary quadratic number field with rank Ck,2 = 4.
The following lemma is useful to show that if a field L satisfies the conditions of Lemma 11, then there are infinitely many such fields that also satisfy these conditions, and consequently have infinite 2-class field tower, which we will make use of to show that there are infinitely many new fields k that satisfy the 2-class field tower conjecture when Ck has 4-rank 1.
Lemma 12: Assume there exists a field L that satisfies the conditions of Lemma 10. Then there exist infinitely many such fields that also satisfy these conditions, and therefore there exist infinitely many such fields that have infinite 2-class field tower that satisfy the conditions of Lemma 10.
Proof: By way of illustration, we demonstrate the result for two specific cases of Lemma 10, using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) and Dirichlet’s Theorem of Primes in an Arithmetic Progression (DPAP). Let M = Q(√p1p2q1) and L = Q(√-p1p2q1q5). Using CRT and DPAP we are able to formulate infinitely many fields L of the form Q(√-p1p2q1q) where q is a prime congruent to 3 mod 4 and (p1/q5) = (p1/q), (p2/q5) = (p2/q), and (q1/q5) = (q1/q). Now let M = Q(√p1p2q1q2) and L = Q(√-p1p2q1q2). Similarly, we once again use CRT and DPAP, to formulate infinitely many fields L of the form Q(√-p1p2q1q2q) where q is a prime congruent to 3 mod 4, and (p1/2) = (p1/q), (p2/2) = (p2/q), (-q1/2) = (2/q1) = (q1/q), and (-q2/q) = (2/q2) = (q2/q). Since (p1p2q1q2/2) = (p1p2q1q2/q), we see that we again have obtained infinitely many fields that satisfy the conditions of Lemma 10, and consequently have infinite 2-class field tower. The remaining cases of Lemma 10 are done similarly, and we leave the details to the reader.
Remark 7: Our use of CRT and DPAP in the proof of Lemma 12 generalizes the technique Mouhib used in the rank Ck,2 = 2 case, as described in the remark following Prop. 3.3 in [14] (however, see Remark 6 above). Note that if k is a field described in Lemma 11 for which we are able to show has infinite 2-class fields tower by means of Lemma 10, then we must have M1 = Q(√p1p2q2q3). Therefore when we use CRT and DPAP as described in the proof of Lemma 12, the infinitely many fields we obtain all have dk not congruent to 4 mod 8, and therefore by Lemma 5: Part b we know that any such field k in this infinite collection for which Ck has
4-rank 2 is not a new field.
We now demonstrate the existence of new fields k with infinite 2-class field tower such that
rank Ck,2 = 4 and Ck has 4-rank 2, three negative prime discriminants divide dk, dk is congruent to
4 mod 8, and the Kronecker symbols of the primes dividing dk satisfy the equalities listed in
Case C of Lemma 5.
Case 1: 4-Rank of Ck Equal to 2
We see from above that in the 4-rank of Ck equal to 2 case we know that k has infinite 2-class field tower except for one family of fields, and from [2] we see that this is specifically the family of fields such that dk is congruent to 4 mod 8, exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk, and the Kronecker symbols of the primes dividing dk have the format (p1/q1) = (p1/q2) = (p2/q2) = (p2/q2) = (p1/2) = (p2/2) = -1, where p1 and p2 are primes congruent to 1 mod 4 dividing dk, and q1 and q2 are primes congruent to 3 mod 4 dividing dk. To make use of Lemma 11 to obtain our new fields, we begin by defining a Rédei sub-type matrix of 4-rank n, n = 0, 1, or 2, which we denote by Rn, to be a matrix with particular conditions that is contained in a family S of generic Rédei matrices listed in [19] or [20], such that if k is a field with the property that the primes dividing dk satisfy the Kronecker symbol matrix entries of Rn (which we will denote by saying that “k satisfies Rn”), then Ck has 4-rank n and k does not satisfy any matrix in S – Rn. Once again the matrix entry * signifies a choice of 0 or 1, and when dk is congruent to 4 mod 8 it is understood that q1* = -4. It is also understood that these Rédei matrices are generic in the sense that aside from q1* = -4, the order of the primes dividing positive prime discriminants (resp. dividing negative prime discriminants) can be changed (cf. [18]. [19], [20]). We refer to a particular Rédei sub-type matrix Rn as “open” if there exists
a field k as above that satisfies Rn for which it is not known if k is a new field with infinite
2-class field tower.
From Case 60 in [20] we see that there are exactly four open Rédei sub-type matrices of 4-rank 2, and that if k satisfies any one of these four matrices then k has the above Kronecker symbol format. We refer to fields k with 4-rank 2 that have the above Kronecker symbol format as Family D2 fields. From [20] we see that a23 = a41 =a51 = a24 = a25 = a34 =a35 =1 for all four of these open Rédei sub-type matrices, and that we can distinguish these matrices in the following way (see the above description of Rédei matrices):
a) a45 = 0, a11 = 1, a21 = 1, a31 = 0 b) a45 = 0, a11 = 1, a21 = 0, a31 = 1 c) a45 = 1, a11 = 1, a21 = 1, a31 = 0 d) a45 = 1, a11 = 0, a21 = 1, a31 = 1
We can describe the generic Rédei matrix Rk for the D2 family as follows, where the * entries would be entered in accordance with the above stipulations for matrices a, b, c, and d (cf. [20]):
[* 1 1 0 0
* 1 1 1 1
* 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 * *
1 1 1 * *]
In our examples that followwe utilize Lemmas 10 and 11 to demonstrate the existence of some new fields k as above that have infinite 2-class field tower and satisfy cases a, b, or c above, and we use [4] to obtain the 2-class numbers of our corresponding real quadratic number fields M.
Example 1: k = Q(√- = Q(√-376285), M = Q(√ = Q(√376285), h(M) = 16, ( = -1, (5/2) = (13/2) = (5/7) = (5/827) = (13/7) = (13/827) = -1, Ck has 4-rank 2 and the three nontrivial dk-splittings of the second kind of k are (5.13, -4.7.827), (-5.827, 4.7.13), and (-13.827, 4.5.7). Since from Lemma 10 we see that k is a new field with infinite 2-class field tower and this cannot be obtained by using either Lemma 4 or Lemma 7, we can conclude that k is a new field of this type (see Case 60 in [20]).
Example 2: k = Q√- = Q(√-2526485), M = Q√ = Q(√2526485), h(M) = 16, ( = -1, (5/2) = (13/2) = (5/47) = (5/827) = (13/47) = (13/827) = -1, Ck has 4-rank 2. Since (2/7) = (2/47) = (827/7) = (827/47) = 1, we see from the above Kronecker symbol equalities that the primes 7 and 47 have the same Kronecker symbol formulations with the other primes dividing dk, and from Lemma 10 we obtain a new field with infinite 2-class field tower.
Example 3: k = Q(√(- = Q(√-5636005), M = Q(√ = Q(√5636005), h(M) = 16; Ck has 4-rank 2. Since (29/5) = 1 we see immediately from the proof of Lemma 11 that ( = -1, and from Lemma 10 or Lemma 11 we are able to conclude that k is a new field with infinite 2-class field tower.
Example 4: Let k = Q(√- = Q(√-293045), and M = Q(√ = Q(√293045). We see that h(M) = 16, ( = -1, and in a similar manner to Examples 1, 2, and 3 we are able to conclude from Lemma 10 that k has infinite 2-class field tower.
Remark 8: Although our above examples illustrate that we can find new fields that satisfy the Rédei matrices listed in cases a, b, and c above, we are not able to utilize Lemma 10 to find a new field with infinite 2-class field tower that satisfies the Rédei matrix listed in case d. This can be seen from the fact that (p1p2q2q3/2) = 1, and from the fact that h(Q(√p1p2q2)) = h(Q(√p1p2q3)) = 4 (cf. Lemma 10).
We now put together Lemmas 10 and 11 and our above examples to state our first main result as the following theorem.
Theorem 1: Let Fk be the family of imaginary quadratic number fields k such that rank Ck,2 = 4, Ck has 4-rank 2, dk is congruent to 4 mod 8, three negative prime discriminants divide dk, and the Kronecker symbols of the primes dividing dk have the format (p1/q1) = (p1/q2) = (p1/q3) = (p2/q1) = (p2/q2) = (p2/q3) = -1, where p1 and p2 are distinct primes dividing positive prime discriminants dividing dk, and q1, q2, and q3 are distinct primes dividing negative prime discriminants dividing dk.Then there exist new fields k in this family that have infinite 2-class field tower.
For the case when rank Ck,2 = 4 and 4-rank of Ck equal to 1, we know from Sueyoshi
(cf. Lemma 7: Part iii and [19]) that if five negative prime discriminants divide dk and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8 then k has infinite 2-class field tower. For each of the remaining cases, i.e. when dk is congruent to 4 mod 8 and exactly three or five negative prime discriminants divide dk, and when exactly three discriminants divide dk and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8,
we will show that there exists at least one new imaginary quadratic number field k with
infinite 2-class field tower. Furthermore, we will show that there are infinitely many new such fields k with infinite 2-class field tower in the case when exactly three discriminants divide dk and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8. We begin with the case when five negative prime discriminants divide dk and dk is congruent to 4 mod 8.
Case 2: Five Negative Prime Discriminants Dividing dk
with 4-Rank of Ck Equal to 1 and dk Congruent to 4 mod 8
For the case when five negative prime discriminants divide dk, the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 1, and dk is congruent to 4 mod 8, we see from [19] that there are exactly six particular open Rédei sub-type matrices of 4-rank 1, and that k always has infinite 2-class field tower for two of these Rédei sub-type matrices (corresponding to matrices m and o in [19]). For the remaining two generic Rédei sub-type matrices (corresponding to matrices n and p in [19]) we now make use of Lemma 11 to show that there exists a new field k with infinite 2-class field tower that satisfies matrix n (resp. matrix p). We describe matrices n and p as follows, where once again it is understood that p1* = -4, the matrix entry * signifies a choice of 0 or 1, and that these Rédei matrices are generic in the sense that the order of the qi’s (2 ≤ i ≤ 5) can be changed. We divide each of the matrices n and p into its two possible generic Rédei matrices: n1, n2, p1, p2 as follows:
n1: [1 1 1 1 1 n2: [0 1 1 1 1 p1: [* 1 1 1 1 p2: [* 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 * 0 1 1 0 * 0 1 1 0
* 0 1 1 0 * 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
* 0 0 1 1 * 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
* 0 1 0 1] * 0 1 0 1] * 1 0 0 1] * 1 0 0 1]
From the table on pages 337-338 in [19] we see that for matrix p2 it is known that k has infinite 2-class field tower, and therefore we eliminate matrix p2 in our subsequent formulations; furthermore we see that matrices p1, n1, and n2 are open Rédei matrices.
In order to make use of Lemma 10 to find new fields k that satisfy Rédei matrices n1, n2, and p1, our next lemma demonstrates that we must have dM congruent to 4 mod 8 for the corresponding real quadratic number field M given in Lemma 10.
Lemma 13: Let k satisfy Rédei matrices n1, n2, or p1, and let M be any of the corresponding real quadratic number fields given in Lemma 10. If dM is not congruent to 4 mod 8 then CM,2 is isomorphic to the group Z/2Z x Z/2Z.
Proof: If dM is not congruent to 4 mod 8, then dM = q2.q3.q4.q5 for distinct primes qi congruent to 3 mod 4, 2 ≤ i ≤ 5. For Rédei matrices n1 and n2 we have the following Rédei matrix:
RM = [0 1 1 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0]
Since RM has rank 3 we see from the above Rédei matrix 4-rank property that CM has 4-rank 0, and therefore by genus theory CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z. For Rédei matrix p1 we have the following Rédei matrix:
RM = [1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0]
Once again we see that RM has rank 3 and consequently CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z, which establishes our lemma.
We now show that when dM is congruent to 4 mod 8 there exists a new field k that satisfies Rédei matrix n1 (resp. n2, p1).
Theorem 2: There exist new imaginary quadratic number fields k such that rank Ck,2 = 4, Ck has 4-rank 1, five negative prime discriminants divide dk, and dk is congruent to 4 mod 8. In particular, for each possible open Rédei sub-type matrix of this family: n1, n2, p1, there exists a new field k that satisfies the given open Rédei sub-type matrix.
Proof: We show that for each of n1, n2, p1, there exists a new field k that satisfies the conditions of the theorem and that satisfies the given open Rédei sub-type matrix, which will prove our result. To establish our result we utilize Lemma 10, which necessitates finding a corresponding real quadratic number fields M to k such that h(M) ≥ 16 and for which the Kronecker symbol condition given in Lemma 10 is satisfied. From Lemma 13 we know that dM must be congruent to 4 mod 8. The following fields respectively satisfy each of n1, n2, and p1, and from [4] we see that they also satisfy the 2-class number bound condition of Lemma 10, with h(M) = 16, where k = Q(√-q2q3q4q5) and (without loss of generality) M = Q(√q2q3q4).
for p1: M = Q(√23.19.67) = Q(√29279)
for n1: M = Q(√11.7.167) = Q(√12859)
for n2: M = Q(√23.11.19) = Q(√4807)
By choosing our remaining prime q5 appropriately, which we do in Examples 5, 6, and 7 below, we are also able to obtain the second condition of Lemma 10, namely that (q2q3q4/q5) = -1, and therefore we are able to formulate new fields k = Q(√-q2q3q4q5) that respectively satisfy each of n1, n2, and p1, and this proves our theorem.
As described in the proof of Theorem 2, for each of the following fields k = Q(√-q2q3q4q5) we have h(M) = 16 and (q2q3q4/q5) = -1, where M = Q(√q2q3q4), and consequently the conditions of Lemma 10 are satisfied and we can conclude that k is a new field with infinite 2-class field tower.
Example 5: for p1: k = Q(√- = Q(√-87837); q5 = 3, (-23/3) = 1, (-19/3) = (-67/3) = -1, (23.19.67/3) = -1, h(Q(√23.19.67)) = 16
Example 6: for n1: k = Q(√- = Q(√-1015861); q5 = 79, (-17/79) = (-167/79) = -1, (-7/79) = 1, (11.7.167/79) = -1, h(Q(√11.7.167)) = 16
Example 7: for n2: k = Q(√- = Q(√-495121); q5 = 103, (-23/103) = (-19/103) = -1, (-11/103) = 1, (23.11.19/103) = -1, h(Q(√23.11.19)) = 16
Case 3: Exactly Three Negative Prime Discriminants Dividing dk
with 4-Rank of Ck Equal to 1 and dk Congruent to 4 mod 8
For the case when exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk, the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 1, and dk is congruent to 4 mod 8, we see from [20] that there are 34 open Rédei sub-type matrices of 4-rank 1, which are listed as belonging to Cases 56, 57, 58, 59, and 60 in [20]. We also see from [20] that all fields k with the Kronecker symbol format we described above in the 4-rank 2 case as designating Family D2 fields, i.e. (p1/q2) = (p1/q3) = (p2/q2) = (p2/q3) = (p1/2) = (p2/2) = -1 where p1 and p2 are primes congruent to 1 mod 4 dividing dk, and q2 and q3 are primes congruent to 3 mod 4 dividing dk, satisfy a Rédei sub-type matrix in Case 60 of [20]. We now designate fields of this type for the 4-rank 1 case as Family D1 fields, and fields for the 4-rank 1 case that satisfy an open Rédei sub-type matrix in Case 60 as Family D fields. We begin by establishing the following lemma, where the primes p1, p2, q2, q3 are as above, and once again the negative prime discriminant q1* = -4.
Lemma 14: Assume that exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk, the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 1, dk is congruent to 4 mod 8, and that k satisfies an open Rédei sub-type matrix. Let M1, M2, and M3 denote the three corresponding real quadratic number fields given in Lemma 10 as follows (without loss of generality): M1 = Q(√q2p1p2), M2 = Q(√q3p1p2), M3 = Q(√p1p2q2q3). Then h(M1) = h(M2) = 4; and h(M3) ≥ 8 if and only if k is a Family D field.
Proof: We give an illustration of the method by initially describing the five open Rédei sub-type matrices of 4-rank 1 belonging to Case 57 in [20] as follows, where a54 = 1, a21 = a51: a) a41 = 0, a51 = 1, a31 = 1 b) a41 = 0, a51 = 1, a31 = 0 c) a41 = 1, a51 = 0, a31 = 1 d) a41 = 1, a51 = 0, a31 = 1 e) a41 = 1, a51 = 1, a31 = 1
We describe the generic Rédei matrix Rk for this family below, where the * entries would be entered in accordance with the above stipulations for matrices a, b, c, d, and e (cf. [20]):
[* 1 1 0 0
* 0 1 1 0
* 0 1 0 1
* 1 0 0 1
* 0 1 1 0]
It follows that the Rédei matrices of M1, M2, and M3 for each of the five members of this family all have rank 3, and therefore in accordance with genus theory and the Rédei matrix 4-property we are able conclude that the 2-class groups of M1, M2, and M3 are isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z for each member of this family. We illustrate this result by displaying M1, M2, and M3 for the Rédei matrix of Case 57a, and we leave it to the reader to verify this for the remaining cases.
M1 = [0 1 0 0 M2 = [0 1 0 0 M3 = [1 1 1 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1] 1 1 1 0] 0 1 1 1]
In a similar manner it can be readily shown that the same result applies to Cases 56, 58, and 59 as we have indicated applies to Case 57. However, for Case 60 with k as in the lemma, we demonstrate that we always obtain h(M1) = h(M2) = 4, h(M3) ≥ 8.
We begin by designating the ten open Rédei sub-type matrices of 4-rank 1 belonging to Case 60 in [20] as follows, where a23 = a24 = a25 =a34 = a35 = 1:
a) a45 = 0, a41 = a51 = 1, a11 = 0, a21 = a31 = 1
b) a45 = 0, a41 = a51 = 1, a11 = 0, a21 = 0, a31 = 0
c) a45 = 0, a41 = 1, a51 = 0, a11 = 0, a21 = 1, a31 = 0 d) a45 = 0, a41 = 1, a51 = 0, a11 = 0, a21 = 0, a31 = 1 e) a45 = 0, a41 = 1, a51 = 0, a11 = a21 = a31 = 1 f) a45 = 0, a41 = 1, a51 = 0, a11 = 1, a21 = a31 = 0 g) a45 = a41 = a51 = 1, a11 = 1, a21 = 0, a31 = 1 h) a45 = a41 = a51 = 1, a11 = a21 = a31 = 0 i) a45 = 1, a41 = 0, a51 = 1, a11 = 1, a21 = a31 = 0 j) a45 = 1, a41 = 0, a51 = 1, a11 = a21 = 0, a31 = 1
We describe the generic Rédei matrix Rk for this family below, where the * entries would be entered in accordance with the above stipulations for matrices a through j (cf. [20]):
[* 1 1 0 0
* 0 1 1 1
* 0 1 1 1
* 1 1 * *
* 1 1 * *]
It readily follows that for all the above fields we obtain h(M1) = h(M2) = 4, h(M3) ≥ 8, and we illustrate this result by displaying M1, M2, and M3 for the Rédei matrix of Case 60g.
M1 = [0 1 0 0 M2 = [1 1 0 0 M3 = [0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0] 1 1 1 0] 1 1 1 1]
Since M1 and M2 have ranks 3 and M3 has rank 2, we see from genus theory and the Rédei matrix 4-property that the 2-class groups of M1 andM2 are isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z, and that M3 has 4-rank 1 and consequently has order greater than or equal to 8. In a similar way it can readily be shown that this same result applies to all members of the above family (we once again leave the remaining cases for the reader to verify), which establishes our lemma.
We now demonstrate the existence of a new field in the case when exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk, the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 1, and dk is congruent to 4 mod 8.
Theorem 3: There exists a new field k such that exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk, the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 1, and dk is congruent to 4 mod 8.
Proof: We first note that we can only apply Lemma 10 to fields that satisfy Rédei sub-type matrices 60e, f, g, i, since we have (q2q3q4q5/2) = -1 for these matrices and (q2q3q4q5/2) = 1 for the other six Rédei sub-type matrices listed above. We establish our theorem by applying Lemmas 10 and 14 to the field k = Q(√- = Q(√-37765), which satisfies Rédei matrix 60g. In accordance with Lemma 14 we see that M3 = Q(√ = Q(√37765) and that h(M3) ≥ 8. From [4] we see that h(M3) = 16, and since 5 and 13 are congruent to 5 mod 8, 7 is congruent to 7 mod 8, and 83 is congruent to 3 mod 8, we obtain that ( = -1, and we observe that the conditions of Lemma 11 are satisfied. Consequently from Lemma 10 we can conclude that k has infinite 2-class field tower, and since k satisfies Rédei matrix 60g we see that k is a new field, which proves our theorem.
Remark 9: We expect that using the technique described in Theorem 3, one can readily find additional new fields k as above, and we leave this to the interested reader to explore. However, when dk is congruent to 4 mod 8 and Ck has 4-rank equal to 1, the 4-rank of Cj for a corresponding field j obtained by using CRT and DPAP as in Lemma 12 may not be the same as the 4-rank of Ck. To see an example of this, let k = Q(√- = Q(√-3045) and j = Q(√- = Q(√-800835). We see from the above Rédei matrix 4-property that Ck has 4-rank 1 and Cj has 4-rank 0, and we also see that the field j is obtained from the field k by CRT and DPAP as described in Lemma 12. In addition, we see from [20] that field k belongs to Case 59, field j belongs to Case 34 (see below) and it is not known if either of these fields have infinite 2-class field tower. However, if dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8 then for all fields in the infinite collection of fields described in Lemma 12, the 4-ranks of Ck and Cj will be the same.
We next show that in the remaining case when the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 1, exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk, and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8, there are infinitely many new fields k that satisfy the 2-class field tower conjecture.
Case 4: Exactly Three Negative Prime Discriminants Dividing dk
with 4-Rank of Ck Equal to 1 and dk Not Congruent to 4 mod 8
For the case when exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk, the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 1, and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8, we see from [20] that there are seven open Rédei sub-type matrices of 4-rank 1, which are listed as matrices 31, 33, 35, 43, 47, 48, and 49 in [20], for which we describe as follows, using the above description of Rédei matrices.
Matrix 31: a12 =a13 = a15 = a23 = a24 = a25 = a34 = a45 = 1, a14 = a35 = 0
Matrix 33: a12 =a13 = a15 = a23 = a24 = a25 = a34 = a35 = a45 = 1, a14 = 0
Matrix 35: a12 =a13 = a14 = a15 = a23 = a24 = a25 = a35 = a45 = 1, a34 = 0
Matrix 43: a12 = a14 = a23 = a24 = a35 = a45 = 1, a13 = a15 = a25 = a34 = 0
Matrix 47: a12 = a15 = a23 = a25 = a34 = a35 = a45 = 1, a13 = a14 = a24 = 0
Matrix 48: a12 = a15 = a23 = a24 = a34 = a35 = a45 = 1, a13 = a14 = a25 = 0
Matrix 49: a12 = a15 = a23 = a24 = a25 = a34 = a35 = a45 = 1, a13 = a14 = 0
We now make use of this categorization to establish the following theorem:
Theorem 4: There are infinitely many new fields k such that exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk, the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 1, and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8.
Proof: Let k = Q(√-q1q2q3p1p2) where q1, q2, and q3 are distinct negative prime discriminants, p1 andp2 are distinct positive prime discriminants, and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8. We determine which of the above seven open Rédei sub-type matrices of 4-rank 1 are candidates for new fields that satisfy a Rédei sub-type matrix. From the Rédei matrix 4-rank property and genus theory we see that CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z for Rédei sub-type matrices 31, 43, 47, and 48, for all corresponding real quadratic number fields M to k in Theorem 11, since the ranks of these Rédei matrices are all 3. Therefore we are not able to use Theorem 11 to obtain new fields that satisfy these Rédei sub-type matrices. For Rédei sub-type matrix 49, we see from the Rédei matrix 4-rank property and genus theory that CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z for M = Q(√q1q2p1p2) and M = Q(√q1q3p1p2), and that CM has 4-rank 1 for M = Q(√q2q3p1p2). However, (q2q3p1p2/q1) = 1 and therefore the Kronecker symbol requirement of Lemma 10 is not satisfied for fields that satisfy Rédei sub-type matrix 49. For Rédei sub-type matrices 33 and 35, although we obtain using the above methods that CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z for two of the three possible fields M in each type, for Rédei sub-type matrix 33 with M = Q(√q2q3p1p2) we obtain that CM has 4-rank 1 and (q2q3p1p2/q1) = -1, and for Rédei sub-type matrix 35 with M = Q(√q1q2p1p2) we obtain that CM has 4-rank 1 and (q1q2p1p2/q3) = -1. We illustrate this result for M = Q(√q2q3p1p2 in matrix 33, and we leave the remaining details for the reader to check.
Given the above Rédei matrix entries for matrix 33 we see that the Rédei matrix for
M = Q(√q1q2p1p2) is the following:
RM = [0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1]
It therefore follows that RM has rank 2 and by the Rédei matrix 4-rank property we are able to conclude that CM has 4-rank 1. From the listing of the Rédei matrix entries for matrix 33 we seethat (q2q3p1p2/q1) = -1.
We thus see that Rédei sub-type matrices 33 and 35 are the only possible candidates for new fields that satisfy a Rédei sub-type matrix of 4-rank 1 in the case that we are now considering.
From [11] we see that for the field M= Q(√ = Q(√111397) we have h(M) = 16, and we are able to use this field M to obtain an imaginary quadratic number field k that satisfies Rédei sub-type matrix 33 and the conditions of Lemma 10 (see Example 8 and Remark 10 below). Consequently from Lemmas 10 and 12, and Remark 8, we are able to conclude that there are infinitely many new fields that satisfy the conditions of our theorem.
Example 8: Let k = Q(√- = Q(√-21276827); q3 = 191, (19/191) = (11/191) = (41/191) = -1, (13/191) = 1, ( = -1, h(Q(√ = 16; we see that
k satisfies Rédei sub-type matrix 33, and consequently from Lemma 10 we obtain that k is a
new field with infinite 2-class field tower, and from Lemma 12 and Remark 8 we conclude that there are infinitely many new fields with infinite 2-class field tower that satisfies the conditions of Theorem 2.
Remark 10: We expect that by the use of [4] and Lemmas 10 and 12, one can readily obtain infinitely many new fields that satisfy Rédei sub-type matrix 35, and we leave this task to the interested reader. We note that if M is a real quadratic number field corresponding to a field k as in Lemma 11, such that h(M) ≥ 16 and the Kronecker symbols of the primes dividing dM are consistent with the entries of Rédei sub-type matrix 35 (resp. matrix 33), then by CRT and DPAP (see the proof of Lemma 13) we know that there exist infinitely many fields j with infinite 2-class field tower that satisfy Rédei sub-type matrix 35 (resp. 33), and since dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8 we see from Remark 8 that the 4-rank of Cj is equal to 1 for all fields j in this infinite collection and consequently we would obtain infinitely many new fields.
We summarize our results thus far for obtaining new fields k that satisfy the 2-class field tower conjecture in the following table, where once again k is an imaginary quadratic number fields such that rank Ck,2 = 4, “Negative Prime Discriminants” denotes the exact number of negative prime discriminants dividing dk, “Congruency” denotes whether or not dk is congruent to 4 mod 8, “Examples” denotes the examples we have supplied, and q3 denotes a prime congruent to 3 mod 4 that has the same kronecker symbols with the primes 19, 11, 13, and 41 as does the prime 191, as described in the proof of Lemma 12.
Table 2: New Fields that Satisfy the 2-Class Field Tower Conjecture
4-rank of Ck Negative Prime Discrminants Congruency Examples
2 3 4 mod 8 k = Q(√-
k = Q(√-
k = Q(√-
k = Q(√-
1 5 4 mod 8 k = Q(√-
k = Q(√-
k = Q(√-
1 3 4 mod 8 k = Q(√-
1 3 not 4 mod 8 k = Q(√-
Infinitely Many Fields
of the form
k = Q(√-19.11.q3.13.41)
We next examine the case when Ck has 4-rank 0 instead of 4-rank 1 (i.e. Ck,2 is elementary), and exactly three or five negative prime discriminants divide dk for the fields k that we are considering (i.e. once again k imaginary quadratic with rank Ck,2 = 4), to determine if there are new fields k that satisfy the conditions of Lemma 10. We begin with the five negative prime discriminant case.
Case 5: Five Negative Prime Discriminants Dividing dk
with 4-Rank of Ck Equal to 0
To begin with, we demonstrate that there are no new fields k that satisfy the conditions of Lemma 10 for the five negative prime discriminant case when the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 0. We first obtain from [19] that there are two open Rédei sub-type matrices such that dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8 (Rédei matrices k and l in [19]), which are given in [19] as follows
(we designate these matrices as “A” and “B” for ease of notation):
A = [1 1 1 0 1 B = [0 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1] 1 1 0 0 0]
The following lemma shows that if k satisfies Rédei matrix A or B then the required condition in Lemma 11 that h(M)| ≥ 16 is not satisfied.
Lemma 15: Let k satisfy Rédei matrices A or B (as described above), and let M be any of the corresponding real quadratic number fields given in Lemma 11. Then CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z.
Proof: Let k = Q(√-q1q2q3q4q5) and M = Q(√qiqjqkql), qi congruent to 3 mod 4, 1 ≤ i ≤ 5, qi all distinct and {i, j, k, l} C {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. If k satisfies Matrix A then we have the following Kronecker symbols: (-q1/q2) = (-q1/q3) = (-q2/q3) = (-q2/q4) = (-q3/q4) = (-q3/q5) = (-q1/q5) = (-q4/q5) = -1, (-q1/q4) = (-q2/q5) = 1. Consequently we have the following possible Rédei matrices for M:
M1 = Q(√q1q2q3q4) M2 = Q(√q1q2q3q5) M3 = Q(√q1q2q4q5) M4 = Q(√q3q2q4q5)
[1 1 1 0 [0 1 1 1 [0 1 0 1 [1 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0] 0 1 0 0] 0 1 0 0] 0 0 0 1]
M5 = Q(√q2q3q4q5)
[1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0]
Since all matrices M1,M2, M3, M4, M5 have rank 3, we see from genus theory and the Rédei matrix 4-rank property that the 4-rank of M is equal to 0 and thus CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z. In a similar way, it can be shown that if k satisfies Matrix B then CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z (we once again leave the details to the reader) and consequently our lemma is proved.
For the case when five negative prime discriminants divide dk, Ck,2 is elementary, and dk is congruent to 4 mod 8, we see from [19] that there are three open Rédei sub-type matrices which we designate as matrices C, D1, and D2 (derived from matrices o and p in [19]), which we give as follows, where once again the * signifies a choice of 0 or 1:
C = [* 1 1 1 1 D1 = [* 1 1 1 1 D2 = [* 1 1 1 1
* 0 1 0 1 * 0 1 1 0 * 0 1 1 0
* 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
* 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0] * 1 0 0 1] * 1 0 0 1]
The following lemma shows that if k satisfies Rédei matrices C, D1, or D2, then k does not satisfy the conditions of Lemma 10.
Lemma 16: Let k = Q(√-q2q3q4q5) with qi congruent to 3 mod 4, 2 ≤ i ≤ 5, qi all distinct, let k satisfy Rédei matrices C, D1, or D2 (as described above), and let M be any of the corresponding real quadratic number field given in Lemma 5. Then either CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z, or M =Q(√qjqjqk) with i, j, k distinct, {i, j, k} C {2, 3, 4, 5} = {i, j, k, l}, and (qjqjqk/ql) = 1.
Proof: If k satisfies Matrix C then we have the following Kronecker symbols: (-q2/q3) = (-q3/q4) = (-q3/q5) = (-q4/q5) = (-q2/q4) = (-q2/q5) = -1, q5 congruent to 7 mod 8. If M = Q(√q2q3q4q5) then we see that M has rank 3 and therefore the 4-rank of CM is equal to 0 and CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z . If M is not equal to Q(√q2q3q4q5) then M has the format given in the lemma, and we see that (q2q3q4/q5) = (q2q3q5/q4) = (q2q4q5/q3) = (q3q4q5/q2) = 1, which establishes our lemma when k satisfies Matrix C. If k satisfies Matrices D1 or D2 then we have the following Kronecker symbols: (-q2/q3) = (-q3/q4) = (-q3/q5) = (-q4/q5) = (-q2/q4) = -1, (-q2/q5) = 1. If M = Q(√q2q3q4q5), Q(√q2q3q4), Q(√q2q3q5), or Q(√q3q4q5), then once again we see that M has rank 3 and thus the 4-rank of CM is equal to 0 and CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z . If M = Q(√q2q4q5) then (q2q4q5/q3) = 1, and if M = Q(√q3q4q5) then (q3q4q5/q2) = 1; consequently our lemma has been proved.
We therefore are able to conclude from Lemmas 15 and 16 that Lemma 10 is not applicable in the case when five negative prime discriminants divide dk and Ck,2 is elementary, and consequently by our present techniques we are not able to formulate any new fields that have infinite 2-class field tower in this case. We now examine the case when exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk and Ck,2 is elementary.
Case 6: Exactly Three Negative Prime Discriminants Dividing dk
with 4-Rank of Ck Equal to 0
We demonstrate that there are also no new fields k that satisfy the conditions of Lemma 10 when exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk and the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 0. We first obtain from [20] that there are seven open Rédei sub-type matrices such that dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8 (Rédei matrices 16, 28, 30, 32, 34, 49 in [20]), which are given in [20] as follows, where we designate Cases 34a and 34b to represent the two possible open Rédei sub-type matrices for Case 34, where once again the * signifies a choice of 0 or 1:
#16 = [1 1 1 1 1 #28 = [1 1 1 0 1 #30 = [1 1 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 0] 1 1 1 1 0] 1 0 1 1 1]
#32 = [0 1 1 1 1 #34a = [0 1 1 1 1 #34b = [0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1] 1 1 1 0 1] 1 1 1 1 0]
#49 = [0 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0 1]
The following lemma shows that if k satisfies any of the above seven Rédei matrices then k does not satisfy the conditions of Lemma 10.
Lemma 17: Let k = Q(√-q1q2q3p1p2) where q1, q2, and q3 are distinct negative prime discriminants, p1 andp2 are distinct positive prime discriminants, and dk is not congruent to 4 mod 8. Let k satisfy Rédei matrices 16, 28, 30, 32, 34a, 34b, or 49, and let M be any of the
corresponding real quadratic number field given in Lemma 10. Then either CM,2 is isomorphic to
Z/2Z x Z/2Z, or (without loss of generality) M = Q(√q1q2p1p2) with (q1q2p1p2/q3) = 1.
Proof: We illustrate the proof by examining matrices 16 and 34a. For matrix 16 we have the following three possible matrices for M:
M1 = [1 1 0 0 M2 = [1 1 1 0 M3 = [1 1 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0] 0 1 1 0] 0 0 1 1]
Since the rank of each of the above three matrices is 3, we see from genus theory and the Rédei matrix 4-rank property that CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z for M as stated in the lemma. It can readily be determined that this same result holds for matrices 28, 30, and 32, and we once again leave the details for the reader to check. For matrix 34a we have the following three possible matrices for M, where M3 = Q(√q1q3p1p2):
M1 = [1 1 0 1 M2 = [0 1 1 1 M3 = [0 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0] 1 1 0 0] 1 1 0 0]
Since matrices M1 and M2 have rank 3 and matrix M3 has rank 2, we see as above that CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z when M = M1 or M2, and CM has 4-rank 1 if M = M3. However, since (q1q3p1p2/q2) = 1 our lemma is established for matrix 34a. Similarly it can be shown that for matrices 34b and 49 we obtain that CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z when M = M1 or M2, and CM has 4-rank 1 if M = M3 with (q1q3p1p2/q2) = 1 (without loss of generality; we once again leave the details to the reader to check), and consequently our lemma has been proved.
Finally, we examine the case when exactly three negative prime discriminants divide dk, Ck,2 is elementary, and dk is congruent to 4 mod 8. We observe from [20] that there are 26 open Rédei sub-type matrices, which belong to Cases 56, 57, 58, and 59 in [20]. As an illustration we list the eight open Rédei sub-type matrices for Case 59 as follows, where a12 = a13 = a23 = a24 = a34 = a35 = 1, a14 = a15 = a25 = 0:
a) a21 = a31 = a41 = a51 = 1, a45 = 0
b) a21 = a31 = a51 = 1, a45 = a41 = 0
c) a41 = a51 = 1, a45 = a21 = a31 = 0
d) a45 = a41 = a51 = 1, a21 = a31 = 0
e) a45 = a31 = a41 = a51 = 1, a21 = 0
f) a45 = a21 = a31 = a41 = 1, a51 = 0
g) a45 = a51 = 1, a21 = a31 = a41 = 0
h) a45 = a31 = a51 = 1, a21 = a41 = 0
Using similar techniques to what we have described above, it can readily be shown that CM,2 is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z for all corresponding real quadratic number fields M for each of the above 26 open Rédei sub-type matrices (we once again leave the details to the reader to verify) and consequently we see that there are no new fields k that satisfy the conditions of Lemma 10 when exactly three negative prime discriminants or five negative prime discriminants divide dk and the 4-rank of Ck is equal to 0.
Open Questions on the 2-Class Field Tower Conjecture
Although we have found new fields k, where k is an imaginary quadratic number field with rank Ck,2 = 4 and Ck having 4-rank 1 or 2 that satisfy the 2-class field tower conjecture, and infinitely many new fields in the 4-rank 1 case, there are still many open questions. We state the following five open questions.
Question 1: Do there exist infinitely many new fields k as above such that rank Ck,2 = 4 and Ck has 4-rank 2?
Question 2: Do there exist new fields k such that rank Ck,2 = 4 and Ck has 4-rank 2 for case d as described in the 4-rank of Ck equal to 2 section? (see Question 4)
Question 3: Do there exist infinitely many new fields k such that rank Ck,2 = 4 and Ck has 4-rank 1 in the cases when dk is congruent to 4 mod 8 and exactly three negative prime discrimants or five negative prime discriminants divide dk?
Question 4: Do there exist new fields k as above that do not satisfy the conditions of Lemma 11, such that k has infinite 2-class field tower? Perhaps such a field k can be obtained by satisfying the conditions of Lemma 8 (cf. Prop. 3.4 in [14]), but we have not found any such fields k that satisfy the conditions of Lemma 8 without also satisfying the conditions of Lemmas 4, 5, or 7. We note that any new field satisfying the conditions given in Question 2 cannot be obtained from Lemma 10 (cf. Remark 8).
Question 5: Do there exist new imaginary quadratic number fields k with rank Ck,2 = 4 that satisfy the conditions of Lemma 10 and consequently have infinite 2-class field tower in the case when the 4-rank of Ck is 0, for which exactly three or five negative prime discriminants divide dk and for which dk is congruent to 4 mod 8 or not congruent to 4 mod 8?
I would like to thank Chip Snyder for a number of productive discussions concerning the results of this paper, and Yukata Sueyoshi for his helpful personal communication conveying to me that my field in Example 1 is indeed a new field, as well as for sending me his related 2010 paper.
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